program timeanal PARAMETER (NF=7,ng=(NF-3)/2,nout=3) parameter (ntime=248,ilat=36,kgit=10) implicit real*4(a-h,o-z) real amph(ntime,ilat,kgit),amp(ilat,kgit) c real phas(ntime,ilat,kgit) real ghr(ntime),ghrinp(ntime),ghi(ntime),ghiinp(ntime), $ tHour(ntime) !, tDays(ntime) real ghrDiff(ntime), ghiDiff(ntime) real FUN(NF,ntime),SQ(NF),A(NF,NF),AM1(NF,NF),X(NF),Y(NF) real Xstw(ilat,kgit), Ystw(ilat,kgit)!,stwx(),stwy real SIGMA(NF), WORK(2*NF), errx(nf),erry(nf),ierr real period(nf), amplr(nf), ampli(nf) c real Aw(ng,ilat,kgit),Ae(ng,ilat,kgit) c real Pw(ng,ilat,kgit),Pe(ng,ilat,kgit) real apwe(ng,ilat,kgit,2) c character*13 wFile, OutFile c character*4 filename pi = 4. * atan(1.0) dolg=0. c--------------------------m=0 Period1 = 24. ! 24h Period2 = 12. ! 12h om1 = 2. * pi / Period1 om2 = 2. * pi / Period2 Period(1)=period1 Period(2)=period2 print*,'period1=',period1,' period2=',period2 c---- read data open (11, FILE='LH_a0_La.dx' , $ form='unformatted', * access='direct', status='old',recl=4*ILAT*kgit) c open (12, FILE='mw_a0.dx' , c $ form='unformatted', c * access='direct', status='old',recl=4*ntime*ILAT*kgit) c open (13, FILE='tp_a0.dx' , c $ form='unformatted', c * access='direct', status='old',recl=4*ntime*ILAT*kgit) C_________Output open (15, FILE='LH_La_m0.dx' , $ form='unformatted', * access='direct', status='unknown',recl=4*(ng)*ILAT*kgit*2) c open (16, FILE='freq_ave_v.dx' , c $ form='unformatted', c * access='direct', status='unknown',recl=4*(ng)*ILAT*kgit*4) c open (17, FILE='freq_ave_T.dx' , c $ form='unformatted', c * access='direct', status='unknown',recl=4*(ng)*ILAT*kgit*4) do il=1,1 !files do j=1,ntime read(10+il, rec=j) amp do io=1,kgit do ii=1,ilat amph(j,ii,io)=amp(ii,io) end do end do end do shour=0. print*,'NF=',NF,', ng=',ng, ', m=',m, ', nout=',nout do j=1,ntime tHour(j) = float(j*nout) shour=shour+tHour(j) enddo hourav=shour/float(ntime) do io=1,kgit do ii=1,ilat c...calculating Cos and Sinus components do j=1,ntime ghrinp(j)=amph(j,ii,io) ghiinp(j)=amph(j,ii,io) end do j0=1 j1=1 DO J=1,ntime ghr(j)=ghrinp(j+j1-1) ghi(j)=ghiinp(j+j1-1) FUN(1,J)=1. FUN(2,J)=(tHour(j+j1-1)-hourav)/hourav FUN(3,J)=FUN(2,J)*FUN(2,J) FUN(4,J)=sin(om1 * (tHour(j+j1-1)-tHour(j1))) FUN(5,J)=COS(om1 * (tHour(j+j1-1)-tHour(j1))) FUN(6,J)=sin(om2 * (tHour(j+j1-1)-tHour(j1))) FUN(7,J)=COS(om2 * (tHour(j+j1-1)-tHour(j1))) c FUN(8,J)=sin(om7 * (tHour(j+j1-1)-tHour(j1))) !16dh c FUN(9,J)=COS(om7 * (tHour(j+j1-1)-tHour(j1))) !16dh ENDDO DO I=1,NF S=0. DO J=1,ntime S=S+FUN(I,J)*FUN(I,J) ENDDO SQ(I)=SQRT(S) DO J=1,ntime FUN(I,J)=FUN(I,J)/SQ(I) ENDDO ENDDO DO I=1,NF DO K=1,NF S=0. DO J=1,ntime S=S+FUN(I,J)*FUN(K,J) ENDDO AM1(I,K)=S ENDDO ENDDO tol=1.e-4 call LGINF(AM1,nf,nf,nf,tol,A,nf,SIGMA,WORK,ierr) k=1 DO I=1,NF S=0. DO J=1,ntime S=S+ghr(J)*FUN(I,J) ENDDO WORK(I)=S ENDDO call PRMV(nf,nf,nf,A,WORK,X) DO I=1,NF X(I)=X(I)/SQ(I) if(I.eq.1) Xstw(ii,io)=X(I) ENDDO DO I=1,NF S=0. DO J=1,ntime S=S+ghi(J)*FUN(I,J) ENDDO WORK(I)=S ENDDO call PRMV(nf,nf,nf,A,WORK,Y) DO I=1,NF Y(I)=Y(I)/SQ(I) if(I.eq.1) Ystw(ii,io)=Y(I) ENDDO C--------------- CALCULATIONS OF ERRORS IN COEFFICIENTS DO I=1,NF SSu=0. SSv=0. DO J=1,ntime Su=0. Sv=0. DO L=1,NF Su=Su+A(I,L)*FUN(L,J)*0.1 Sv=Sv+A(I,L)*FUN(L,J)*0.1 END DO SSu=SSu+Su*Su SSv=SSv+Sv*Sv END DO ERRX(I)= SQRT(SSu)/SQ(I) ERRY(I)= SQRT(SSv)/SQ(I) END DO c ng=(nf-2)/2 do i=1,ng is=4+2*(i-1) ic=5+2*(i-1) ys=y(is) yc=y(ic) xs=x(is) xc=x(ic) amplI(i)=sqrt(ys*ys+yc*yc) amplR(i)=sqrt(xs*xs+xc*xc) ERRrS=ERRX(IS) ERRrC=ERRX(IC) ERRiS=ERRY(IS) ERRiC=ERRY(IC) ERRi=SQRT(ERRiS*ERRiS*YS*YS+ERRiC*ERRiC*YC*YC)/AMPLI(i) ERRr=SQRT(ERRrS*ERRrS*XS*XS+ERRrC*ERRrC*XC*XC)/AMPLR(i) Frequ= 1./period(i) phaseI=180.*ATAN2(ys,yc)/pi if( phaseR=180.*ATAN2(xs,xc)/pi if( c---------------------------------------------------------------- c phaseR=phaseR+(thour(j1)-thour(j0))*360./period(i) c phaseI=phaseI+(thour(j1)-thour(j0))*360./period(i) 601 continue if( phaser=phaser-360. Go to 601 End if 602 continue if( phasei=phasei-360. Go to 602 End if errphR=180./(xs*xs+xc*xc)*SQRT(xc*xc*errx(is)*errx(is)+ $ xs*xs*errx(ic)*errx(ic))/pi errphI=180./(ys*ys+yc*yc)*SQRT(yc*yc*erry(is)*erry(is)+ $ ys*ys*erry(ic)*erry(ic))/pi ampl=sqrt(amplr(i)*amplr(i)+ampli(i)*ampli(i)) phas=phaseR if( phas = phas -360. apwe(i,ii,io,1)=ampl apwe(i,ii,io,2)=phas end do !von ng jout=ntime DO J=1,Jout tDout=thour(j0+j-1) ghrAPPROX=0. ghiAPPROX=0. DO I=1,nf ghrApprox = ghrAPPROX+X(I)*SQ(I)*FUN(I,J) ghiApprox = ghiAPPROX+Y(I)*SQ(I)*FUN(I,J) ENDDO ghrDiff(j) = ghr(j) - ghrApprox ghiDiff(j) = ghi(j) - ghiApprox enddo enddo !breiten enddo !Höhen write(14+il,rec=1) apwe enddo !files end