program MUAM_48_O3long c.....COMMON-BLOCKS include 'com_main.fc' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- real*4 rmyfin1(igit,nb,kgit),rmyan1(igit,nb,kgit,3), $ rmywn1(igit,nb,kgit),rmyan2(igit,nb,kgit,3) c COMMON/adams/funm1(nb,kgit,igit),fvnm1(nb,kgit,igit), c $ ftnm1(nb,kgit,igit) integer pmac c----------------------------------------------------------------------- print* print*,'*******************************************************' PRINT*,'* *' print*,'* M U A M *' PRINT*,'* *' PRINT*,'* Middle and Upper Atmosphere Model *' print*,'* *' print*,'* *' print*,'*******************************************************' print* c------------------------------------------------ first record pmac=0. nc10=0 c c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c C.....READ EXTERNAL DATA: call open_60_O3long print* print*,'ALL DATA READ' print* c c.....INITIALIZE MODEL: call init_60_field_sig call fourier_matrix call fourier_filter_lb print* print*,'MODEL INITIALIZED' print* c c.....ADJUSTMENTS FOR IR RADIATION (Berger'92) call irc_60 c print*,'step5' C ************************************************************************ * * * START OF TIME LOOP . . . * * * ************************************************************************ c print* print*,'++++++ STARTING TIME INTEGRATION +++++++' print* null=ncom ! initial step from pre-run c nsec=ncom*int(dt) print* print*,'first step is ',null,' last is ',nend, 'nsec = ',nsec print* c print*,'dz=',dz c c------------------------------------- FIRST CALL Rh = 287.04/h ! R/M/H do 100 ncom=null,nend c do j=1,nb do i=1,igit firn1(j,i)=0. do k=1,kgit fnt(k,i,j)=0. frl(k,i,j)=0. heat_LH (i,j,k) = 0. if( heat_LH0(i,j,k) = 0. end do end do end do IF(ncom.eq.null) then c----------------------- TOPOGRAPHY print*,'++++++++ COMPUTING TOPOGRAPHY +++++++++' call ogw_topo print*,'++++++ END COMPUTING TOPOGRAPHY +++++++' c----------------------- GEOPOTENTIAL (from hydrostatic equation) call geopot_60 c----------------------- VERTICAL WIND (from continuity equation) call vbew c c.....OUTPUT -II- OF BINARIES in DIRECT-ACCESS-MODE: c the analyse package can read this c !record-Nr. pmac=pmac+1 do k=1,kgit do j=1,nb do i=1,igit rmyfin1(i,j,k)=fin1(j,k,i)/9.81 rmywn1 (i,j,k)=wn1(j,k,i)/row(k) do m=1,3 rmyan1(i,j,k,m)=an1(j,k,i,m) rmyan2(i,j,k,m)=0 enddo enddo enddo enddo write(72,rec=pmac) rmyan1 write(73,rec=pmac) rmyan2 write(24,rec=pmac) rmyfin1 write(25,rec=pmac) rmywn1 c-------------------------------------------------------------------- C.....PARAMETRIZATIONS: c some calculations are not repeated every time step to c save cpu-time (e.g. radiation and gravity-wave modules) c c But THIS MAY BE NECCESSARY if you need more accurate results. c c------------------------------- GRAVITY WAVES call grwaves_RSHU call acc_ASM c call fourier_filter_GW c------------------------------- UV, IR if( call strobel_60_O3long if( call ircool_60_O3_H2O_long c----------------------- FORCING of transient waves if( call plwaves_LIM go to 200 END IF c-------------------------------------------------------------------- C.....PARAMETRIZATIONS: c some calculations are not repeated every time step to c save cpu-time (e.g. radiation and gravity-wave modules) c c But THIS MAY BE NECCESSARY if you need more accurate results. c c------------------------------- STRESS tlbd=float(nsec)-1.*86400. if( then call ogw_stress(coun,ncom,un1,vn1,tn1,wn1,z,UU,Aw,Eps,Angle) else do k=1,kgit do j=1,nb do i=1,igit Aw(i,j,k)=0. UU(i,j,k)=0. Eps(i,j,k)=0. Angle(i,j,k)=0. enddo enddo enddo end if c------------------------------- GRAVITY WAVES IF(mod(ncom,2*ntime).eq.0) then call grwaves_RSHU call acc_ASM c call grwaves_RSHU c call fourier_filter_GW END IF c c------------------------------- UV, IR IF( then if(,2*ntime).eq.0) call strobel_60_O3long if(,2*ntime).eq.0) & call ircool_60_O3_H2O_long ELSE if(,2*ntime).eq.0) call strobel_60_O3long if(,4*ntime).eq.0) & call ircool_60_O3_H2O_long END IF c----------------------------------------------------------- ION DRAG call cond call heating_LH c----------------------- FORCING of transient waves if( call plwaves_LIM c c...........................PROGNOSTIC EQUATIONS / INTEGRATION STEP 1 call tendenz_60_1 c......................................................FOURIER-FILTER c call fourier_filter c if(ncom.eq.null+240*ntime) then do k=1,kgit print*,'z=',z(k),'h=',hs(k,33,18),'c=',fc(k,33,18), $ 'g=',fgrt(k,1,7) enddo end if c c...........................PROGNOSTIC EQUATIONS / INTEGRATION STEP 2 call tendenz_60_a c----------------------- FORCING of transient waves c if( call plwaves_LIM c c.....INCREASE TIME-INCREMENT: nsec=nsec+int(dt) c--------------- correction near the poles, A.Pogoreltsev, March 2006 rgit=float(igit) do k=1,kgit sum1=0. sum2=0. sum5=0. sum6=0. do i=1,igit sum1=sum1+tn1(1,k,i)/rgit sum2=sum2+tn1(2,k,i)/rgit sum5=sum5+tn1(nb-1,k,i)/rgit sum6=sum6+tn1(nb ,k,i)/rgit end do do i=1,igit tn1(1,k,i)=sum1+(tn1(2,k,i)-sum2)/3. tn1(nb ,k,i)=sum6+(tn1(nb-1,k,i)-sum5)/3. end do end do c......................................................FOURIER-FILTER call fourier_filter c.....OUTPUT ZONALLY AVERAGED VALUES c two ascii formats possible c if(mod(ncom,nprint).eq.0) call ausgaz c if(ncom.eq.nend) call ausgaz c c.....SAVE FORT.2=an0,an1,an2,... c c a rewind of fort.2 saves disk space c 80 if(kret) 89,86,87 !kret<0 NO SAVE ! =0 SAVE ONLY VERY LAST STEPS ! >0 ONE SAVE PER DAY c 87 if(mod(ncom,nstep)) 89,88,89 86 if( ncom-nend) 89,88,89 c 88 continue write (2) an0 write (2) an1 write (2) an2 write (2) philb0 write (2) philb1 write (2) fphi_0 write (2) ken1 close (2) print*, ' f2_new saved!' c write (113,1013) an0 c write (113,1013) an1 c write (113,1013) an2 c write (113,1013) philb0 c write (113,1013) philb1 c write (113,1013) fphi_0 c write (113,2013) ken1 c close (113) 1013 format(10e13.6) 2013 format(10i6) print*, ' f2_nfm saved!' c 89 if(mod(ncom,nout)) 90,92,90 92 continue c c.....OUTPUT -II- OF BINARIES in DIRECT-ACCESS-MODE: c the analyse package can read this c !record-Nr. pmac=pmac+1 c----------------------- GEOPOTENTIAL (from hydrostatic equation) call geopot_60 c----------------------- VERTICAL WIND (from continuity equation) call vbew do k=1,kgit do j=1,nb do i=1,igit rmyfin1(i,j,k)=fin1(j,k,i)/9.81 rmywn1 (i,j,k)= wn1(j,k,i)/row(k) do m=1,3 rmyan1(i,j,k,m)=an1(j,k,i,m) enddo rmyan2(i,j,k,1) = sqrt(UU(i,j,k)) rmyan2(i,j,k,2) = Eps(i,j,k) rmyan2(i,j,k,3) = Aw(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo write(72,rec=pmac) rmyan1 write(73,rec=pmac) rmyan2 write(24,rec=pmac) rmyfin1 write(25,rec=pmac) rmywn1 90 continue c nc10 = nc10+1 200 continue c c LEVY-COURANT-CHECK (dX/c/dt > 1 !) ncase=mod(ncom,nstep/4)*(mod(ncom,10)+max0(0,nc10-100)) if(ncase.eq.0) call levy 100 continue c ***************************************************************** * * * END OF TIME LOOP . . . * * * ***************************************************************** print 1234,ncom-1,nend 1234 format(' ncom, nend ',2i6) STOP '++++++ THE END ++++++' end