kategorie file/param wert --3-----9---------19------------------ PARAM MFORC 2 MTURB 1 MCOOL 1 MUVIR 2 MIOND 3 MMCON 1 MSURF 0 KENN NPHI 46464 NEND 153600 NPRINT 384 NOUT 32 NTIME 16 KRET 0 NSUN 126720 NDEK 60 FORC NT0 250000 JFORC1 26 JFORC2 35 NFASE 001 010 100 NWELLE 000 000 111 NFINUL 070 150 300 ------------------------ the steady state solution --------------- 225 sec 1day=384 11520 - 30 46080 - 120 46464 - 121 46848 - 122 47232 - 123 47616 - 124 48000 - 125 48384 - 126 48768 - 127 49152 - 128 49536 - 129 49920 - 130 115200 - 300 119040 - 310 122880 - 320 126720 - 330 130560 - 340 132480 - 345 134400 - 350 136320 - 355 138240 - 360 145920 - 380 153600 - 400 161280 - 420 163200 - 425 165120 - 430 SUN will start to move 11520 !!!!!!!!!ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 -- > 11520 - run with (or without) SPWs (60 days) 11520 - 17280 90's day - start forcing of traveling PWs and solar tides 17280 - 23040 (30days to establish the tides and PWs) - f2_120_Mar 23040 - 28800 - 1 st June - 30 June 28800 - 34560 - 1 st July - 30 July 23040-24768 - 120-129 days - transition to 1st April (moving SUN) (i.e., 23 March - 1 April, moving SUN) 24768-30528 (129-159 days) - 30 days output (361 points) (1st -30th April) 30528-36480 (159-190 days) - 31 days output (373 points) (1 May -31 May) 36480-42240 (190-220 days) - 30 days output (181 points) (1 Jun -30 Jun) 42240-48192 (220-251 days) - 31 days output (182 points) (1 July -31 July) LATER 20160-25920 (105-135 days)- 30 days output (361 points) (16 July-15 August) 11520 - start of moving Sun, 75's day - 16 June ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUN will start to move 11520 !!!!!!!!!ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 -- > 11520 - run with (or without) SPWs (60 days) 11520 - 60's day - start forcing of traveling PWs and solar tides 11520-14400 - 15 days - transition period (1 June - 16 June, moving SUN) 14400-20160 (75-105 days) - 30 days output (361 points) (16 June - 16 July) LATER 20160-25920 (105-135 days)- 30 days output (361 points) (16 July-15 August) 11520 - start of moving Sun, 75's day - 16 June 1 st January = 1 1 st April = 91 1 st June = 152 1 st July = 182 1 st October = 274 mforc=1,2 forcing stationary, moving mturb=1 eddy-diffusion mcool=1 Newtonian Cooling of PWs muvir=1,2 UV-heat, IR-cool miond=1,2,3 Ion-drag, Rayleigh-friction, GW mmcon=1 dynamic viscosity msurf=1 surface forcast nphi = time mark for forcing nend = last step ntime= steps/h nout = steps between output of an1.dat nsun = first step with moving sun ndek = deklination/days after 31th.december (12:00 Greenwich) nprint=steps -->output of mean u,v,t kret =-1,0,+1 No save, last step, every nout FORC nwelle(1-3) waves included in forcing nt0 t0 in forcing function nfase(1-3) phase of waves 1-3 jforc1 first latitute with forcing jforc2 last latitude with forcing nfinul(1-3) max. amplitude of forcing