subroutine ogw_topo include 'com_topo.fc' parameter (itlon=1801,itlat=901) dimension D(itlon,itlat), * mu1(igit,nb),gamma(igit,nb), * alon(itlon), itopo(itlon),alat(itlat),temp(5) integer A real dEx1,dx1,dEy,dy1,MM,LL,dis real lon,lat,sum,num,sum2,D,itopo,alon,alat real mu1,temp,temps CHARACTER*20 fileint alonl = 0. alonr = 354.325 alatt = 87.5 alatb = -87.5 dis= 0.2 A=6400000. igs1 = 180. / nb igs2 = 360. / igit fileint = 'et2.dat' open ( 201,file=fileint) ! compute the latitude and longitude points do i = 1,itlon alon(i) = (float(i)-1.0)*2.0/10.0 enddo do j = 1,itlat alat(j) = -90.0 + (float(j) -1.0)*2.0/10.0 enddo ! compute boundary points ilonl = nint((alonl + 0.)/igs2) + 1 ilonr = nint((alonr + 0.)/igs2) + 1 ilatb = nint((alatb + 90.)/igs1) ! + 1 ilatt = nint((alatt + 90.)/igs1) ! + 1 ! reading topographic data do 45 j=1,itlat read(201,'(F15.7)')(itopo(i),i=1,itlon) do 45 i=1,itlon if(i.le.901) then D(i+900,j)=itopo(i) else D(i-901,j)=itopo(i) ! D(i,j)=itopo(i) endif 45 continue ! reading surface wind from ncep !----------------------read latitude points in a row--------------------------------------- do 46 j=1,nb lat=alatb+(j-ilatb)*igs1 !---------------------read longitudes to each latitude------------------------------------- do 47 i=1,igit lon=alonl+(i-ilonl)*igs2 num=0 sum=0 sum2=0 sum4=0 sum5=0 dy1=A*dis*3.1415926535/180 dx1=dy1*cos(lat*3.1415926535/180) do 48 k=2,itlat-1 if (alat(k).gt.(lat+igs1/2.).or.alat(k).lt.(lat-igs1/2.)) goto 48 do 49 l=2,itlon-1 if (alon(l).gt.(lon+igs2/2.).or.alon(l).lt.(lon-igs2/2.)) goto 49 !---------computing average elevations and dephts ---------------- sum=sum+D(l,k) num=num+1 sum5=sum5+D(l,k)*D(l,k) !-------------computing dE/dx & dE/dy1------------ dEy=(D(l,k+1)-D(l,k-1))/(2*dy1) dEx1=(D(l+1,k)-D(l-1,k))/(2.*dx1) !-------------end computing---------------------- LL=(dEx1**2.-dEy**2.)/2. MM=dEx1*dEy sum2=sum2+MM sum4=sum4+LL 49 continue 48 continue !-----------everage koeffitients-------------------------------------- E(i,j)=sum/num ! print*,E(i,j),sum,num mu1(i,j)=sqrt(sum5/num-(sum/num)**2) mu1(i,j)=mu1(i,j) + E(i,j)/2. MM=sum2/num LL=sum4/num if (LL.eq.0.) teta(i,j)=0. if ( teta(i,j)=atan(MM/LL)/2. dxx=dx1*cos(teta(i,j))+dy1*sin(teta(i,j)) dyy=dy1*cos(teta(i,j))-dx1*sin(teta(i,j)) ! write(211,*) mu(i,j) !---------------comuting sigma & gamma--------------------------------- num1=0; sum3=0; sum4=0 do 52 k=2,itlat-1 if (alat(k).gt.(lat+igs1/2.).or.alat(k).lt.(lat-igs1/2.)) go to 52 do 53 l=2,itlon-1 if (alon(l).gt.(lon+igs2/2.).or.alon(l).lt.(lon-igs2/2.)) go to 53 num1=num1+1 dExx=(D(l+1,k)-D(l-1,k))/(2*dxx) dEyy=(D(l,k+1)-D(l,k-1))/(2*dyy) sum3=sum3+dExx*dExx sum4=sum4+dEyy*dEyy 53 continue 52 continue sigma(i,j)=sqrt(sum3/num1) if (sum3.eq.0.) then gamma(i,j)=0 else gamma(i,j)=sqrt(sum4/sum3) end if !---------------end comuting sigma & gamma--------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- B(i,j)=1-0.18*gamma(i,j)-0.04*(gamma(i,j))**2 C(i,j)=0.48*gamma(i,j)+0.3*(gamma(i,j))**2 ! IF(B(i,j).gt.0) then ! write(211,*) i,j,'B=',B(i,j),'C=',C(i,j),'top' ! ENDIF ! write(211,*)E(i,j) 47 continue 46 continue do i=1,5 temp(i) = 0. end do do 557 j=1,nb do 558 i=1,igit temp = 0 count1 = 3 count2 = 2 if(i.eq.1) then temp(1)=mu1(i,j) temp(2)=mu1(igit,j) temp(3)=mu1(i+1,j) elseif(i.eq.igit) then temp(1)=mu1(i,j) temp(2)=mu1(i-1,j) temp(3)=mu1(1,j) else temp(1)=mu1(i,j) temp(2)=mu1(i-1,j) temp(3)=mu1(i+1,j) endif if( then if(i.eq.1) then temp(4)=mu1(i,j-1) temp(5)=mu1(i,j+1) elseif(i.eq.igit) then temp(4)=mu1(i,j-1) temp(5)=mu1(i,j+1) else temp(4)=mu1(i,j-1) temp(5)=mu1(i,j+1) endif count1 = 5 count2 = 3 endif if(j.eq.1) then if(i.eq.1) then temp(4)=mu1(i,2) elseif(i.eq.igit) then temp(4)=mu1(i,2) else temp(4)=mu1(i,2) endif count1 = 4 count2 = 2 endif if(j.eq.nb) then if(i.eq.1) then temp(4)=mu1(i,j-1) elseif(i.eq.igit) then temp(4)=mu1(i,j-1) else temp(4)=mu1(i,j-1) endif count1 = 4 count2 = 2 endif pass = 1 1001 continue sorted = 1 do 1005 l = 1,count1-pass if(temp(l) .gt. temp(l+1)) then temps = temp(l) temp(l) = temp(l+1) temp(l+1) = temps sorted = 0 endif 1005 continue pass = pass +1 if(sorted .eq. 0) goto 1001 mu(i,j) = temp(count2) ! write(211,*) 'mu=',mu(i,j),i,j 558 continue 557 continue c print*,'topo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' end subroutine ogw_topo