subroutine open_60_O3long include 'com_main.fc' c.....DATA FILES open (15,status='old',form='formatted',file='Run32_tst_Alex_data') read(15,'(a)') f2_old read(15,'(a)') f2_new c--------------- a possibility to write F2 file as formatted c read(15,'(a)') f2_nfm read(15,'(a)') modul read(15,'(a)') an1dat read(15,'(a)') an2dat print*,'Data files: f2_old,f2_new,modul,an1dat,an2dat' print*,f2_old,f2_new,modul,an1dat,an2dat c.....OPEN-I: open (17,status='old',form='formatted',file=modul) c.....OPEN-II: prognostic-fields C------ DIRECT ACCESS FORMAT open (72,status='unknown',form='unformatted',file=an1dat, + access='direct', recl=nb*kgit*igit*3) open (73,status='unknown',form='unformatted',file=an2dat, + access='direct', recl=nb*kgit*igit*3) open (24,status='unknown',form='unformatted',file= + 'phi.dx', access='direct', + recl=nb*igit*kgit) open (25,status='unknown',form='unformatted',file= + 'wvel.dx', access='direct', + recl=nb*igit*kgit) c------ ASCII open (70,status='unknown',form='formatted', $ file='zon_tst.dat') c open (71,status='unknown',form='formatted', c $ file='zon_srf.dat') c open (73,status='unknown',form='formatted', c $ file='tmp_srf.dat') c------ STANDARD BINARIES open ( 12,status='old',form='unformatted',file=f2_old) open ( 2,status='new',form='unformatted',file=f2_new) c open (113,status='new',form='formatted ',file=f2_nfm) C???????????????????????????????? ------ what is the reason of defaul setting C.....MODULE SWITCHES (default settings) mref =10 mhemi =0 mfilt =1 mforc =1 mturb =1 mcool =2 muvir =1 miond =2 mmcon =1 msurf =0 c--------------------------- read new settings from module file -->mod_name read (17,1140) mforc,mturb, mcool, muvir, miond, mmcon, msurf 1140 format(/,7(/,18x, i4)) c.....INITIALIZE DYNAMIC FIELDS -->fort.2 read (12) an0 read (12) an1 read (12) an2 c read (12) diff3 read (12) philb0 read (12) philb1 c read (12) difflb read (12) fphi_0 c------------------------------------------- control parameters read (12) ken1 print*, f2_new,'OK!' do 273 iii=1,64 c write(73,173) iii,ken1(iii) print 173, iii,ken1(iii) 173 format(1x,' ken',i2,'=',i8) 273 continue c-------------------------------------------- overwrite defaults nstart =ncom nend =7680 nprint =5 nout =192 ntime =8 kret =0 ! -1,0,+1 kein sichern, letzten schritt, jeden tag ken1(15)=igit ken1(16)=kgit ken1(17)=nb c----------------- read new settings from module file -->mod_name read (17,1150) + nphi,nend, nprint,nout, ntime, kret, nsun, ndek 1150 format( 8(/,18x, i7)) c----------------------- CHECK OF CONTROL PARAMETERS AND SWITCHES print 1040, mforc,mturb,mcool,muvir,miond,mmcon,msurf 1040 format(//' processes:'/20x, + ' mforc =',i6,/20x, + ' mturb =',i6,/20x, + ' mcool =',i6,/20x, + ' muvir =',i6,/20x, + ' miond =',i6,/20x, + ' mmcon =',i6,/20x, + ' msurf =',i6,/) print 1042, $ ncom,nphi,nend,nprint,nout,ntime,nsec,kret,nsun,ndek,nsrc 1042 format(//' controls:'/20x, + ' nstart (ncom) =',i9,/20x, + ' nphi =',i9,/20x, + ' nend =',i9,/20x, + ' nprint=',i9,/20x, + ' nout =',i9,/20x, + ' ntime =',i9,/20x, + ' nsec =',i9,/20x, + ' kret =',i9,/20x, + ' nsun =',i9,/20x, + ' ndek =',i9,/20x, + ' nsrc =',i9,/) C.....ABSORBER CONCENTRATIONS if(NDEK.le.31) nmon=1 if( 32.and.NDEK.le. 59) nmon=2 if( 60.and.NDEK.le. 90) nmon=3 if( 91.and.NDEK.le.120) nmon=4 if( nmon=5 if( nmon=6 if( nmon=7 if( nmon=8 if( nmon=9 if( nmon=10 if( nmon=11 if( nmon=12 c CALL O3model_GOME_RSHU(ozppmv,co3,so3,nmon) c CALL O3model_Berlin_60(nmon) c CALL O3GOME_long_60 CALL O3Merra_long_60 do k=1,kgit print*,'o3=',so3(23,k,27),' o3ppmv=',ozppmv(23,k,27) enddo C.....OTHER PROFILES c call species_60 return end