PARAMETER (NTIME=1201) PARAMETER (IlON=64) PARAMETER (IlAT=36) parameter (kgit=56) parameter (nvar=1) character*2 filea1 REAl aus(ilon,ilat,kgit,nvar),aus1(ilon,ilat,kgit,nvar) REAl TD(ilon,ilat,kgit,nvar) REAl PW(ilon,ilat,kgit,nvar) !parameters for averaging pw real h_int1,h_int2,h_int !avereging half-period merra 1 day- 8 points ! h_int=12 h_int=18 open(2,file='wvel.dx',form='unformatted', & & access='direct', status='unknown',recl=4*ilon*ilat*kgit*nvar) !output bin with real and im for tides open(3,file='w_tD.dx',form='unformatted', & & access='direct', status='unknown',recl=4*ilon*ilat*kgit*nvar) !output bin with real and im for planetary waves open(4,file='w_pw.dx',form='unformatted', & & access='direct', status='unknown',recl=4*ilon*ilat*kgit*nvar) !________________________ DO L=1,NTIME WRITE(*,*) L read(2,rec=l) aus if (L <= h_int) then h_int1=L-1 h_int2=h_int endif if (L>=nTIME-h_int) then h_int1=h_int h_int2=h_int-(L-(nTIME-h_int)) endif if (L>h_int .and. L